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Welcome to the Albatera European Residents page
30 Jan 2014

Meeting at AYUNTAMIENTO de Albatera 29th January 2014.

The council meeting was made up of:

PP Councilors. 9

Mayor PP. 1

Secretary PP. 1

PSOE Councillors. 5

CV Councillors. 2

A discussion took place in the council offices between the three parties about allowing 2nd occupation certificates.

The Mayor whose party is the PP is in favour of issuing certificates to households deemed illegal in the campo which do not have the first occupation certificate.

Rosario whose party is the CV spoke about why legally her party could not vote yes But apologised to the European group and said she would have liked to meet up with us before the meeting to discuss our concerns, except she did not know who to approach regarding organising this. She felt that legally she could not vote in favour and wanted more legal support for the proposition to be 100% legal before a vote was held, in which case she said she would vote yes. She also said she had not had enough notice of the content beforehand.

Milagro whose party is the PSOE also stated that she did not think this proposal could be passed legally within the Valencia guidelines. The mayor answered some of their concerns especially with regard to information supplied before the meeting as this proposal has been on the books for 10 months and is on its 3rd vote. He also asked them why they had a problem voting this in when they had issued certificates themselves in the past. He informed them that 4 town halls have already introduced this right for its residents these being Elche, Aspe, Catral and Alicante. We need to legitimise these certificates so as properties meet certain standards for living and so as the cesspits do not contaminate the subterranean water table.

A vote was taken at the end of discussions and the 2nd occupation certificates were voted in, as the mayor had a majority of 11/7 the motion was carried. For those who do not have a certificate the council will have a list of requirements which need to be met before a certificate can be issued. There will be a charge at the town hall for issuing the cert.

I would like to thank Paco for translating for our group.

Meeting with Albatera Mayor, 24th January 2014

(Summary of a 2 hour meeting)

Second Occupational Certificate:
The Mayor underlined his position in saying; He understands the needs of property owners who wish to have a certificate and that they should be able to have one as long as these meet with conditions.

Since the current local government understands that if the law allows the use of these properties for which they were built for then they must have electricity and water in order to be inhabited in decent conditions.

In order to respond to the problems that local homeowners have with CAMPO properties which fall short of building regulations in terms of selling or requesting domestic supply such as electricity or water, the present administration on the 27th March 2013 put forward a proposal to include these properties under an Exceptional Process for properties which exist without the corresponding occupation license.

On the 29th January of this month the Town Hall will put forward the final adjustment of the proposal to vote and upon approval applications for Certificates will be accepted there on.

All properties according to legislation must now meet with disposal of sewage and this means that a sewage treatment pump filter system must be attached to all sceptic tanks in order to obtain a second occupational certificate.


Landfill Site:
The Mayor made it quite clear that he is not in favour of a landfill site in Albatera whatsoever and is doing all he can with all the legal means at his disposal to prevent it from happening.

He explained what the CONSORTIUM BODY is and how it functions, it is formed of 27 local Councils, The Regional Valencian Authority and the contractor.

On January 3rd 2008 all components of the consortium were in favour of Torremendo a hamlet of Orihuela as the landfill site but an appeal by the Virgen of Monserrate Torremendo association in 2010 had this decision over turned. When voting took place to re-allocate the landfill site to Albatera, 12 voted yes, 9 voted against including the Albatera Mayor and 6 did not attend or place a vote.

Only 12 out of 27 local authorities voted for the landfill site to be re-allocated in Albatera.

More recently letters to the consortium showing that the procedure was contaminated to the extent that the town hall detected POSSIBLE INCORRECT PUBLIC DOCUMENTS AS WELL AS POSSIBLE FRAUD ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDIES provided by the Contractor requested the consortium to review the entire procedure.

In mid- December all the Mayors and speakers of Councils of the Popular Party within the Vega Baja area met with the President of the Alicante Regional Council Authority known as the Diputacion and the waste cancellor where all the representatives of the local councils within Vega Baja to position a united front with a new proposal for the next Consortium meeting which has not been held yet to request a legal opinion regarding the possible termination of the contract with the contractor. The contractor has not within its provisional period of time complied with its obligation on a number of points.

The European Residents Group asked the Mayor for further clarification and transparency on the matter with further official notifications to be published and directed at our group with a link on the Town Hall website.


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